Literary work:
An attempt at writing
A project with Michelle Faber
Another project involving Michelle Faber
Karma is a woman
My first attempt at writing
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Virginia is for fashion lovers
The Diamond Coast
Kid Futuristic
Salvatore Armada
Show and Proof
Ryan Azia Atelier
Dash Reports
Azian Soul Food
Subject Series
Noel Ryan Studios: It all started when…
Neran Dhas, Coung Hua, and myself started an online magazine called Times were simpler then. Noel was a photographer found by Neran from either craigslist or facebook. Through the years, Noel would work on his photography and art. I would work on my business acumen, and design and art. Noel and I would collaborate on projects mostly him helping me turn my ideas into pictures, and inspiring him, and challenging him to think outside the box. Our collaboration led to many projects, the most unique one was OHSO.
Thank you
In life, especially as a serial entrepreneur we get so focused on doing, trying to make it, and surviving, that we lose emotions of empathy or sympathy at times. We become so driven that we feel others around us become weak or less than human. It becomes a chore to remember small things because we push it to the side. I was given a reality check in 2019 when I accidentally offended someone by not showing appreciations. At first I did not understand why they were upset with me, but had to dig deep into myself and realized I had no emotion attached to anything. I now practice as much gratitude as possible in the best way that I can. So going forward in 2020, ironically a year devoted to clarity, as an artist, an entrepreneur and as a human, I will have this open letter dedicated to people, things, and places that have inspired me or helped in my progress. I can’t thank enough. This list is in no particular order…
Francis Ramirez: Man.. through thick and thin.
Pinky Do: Thank you for everything, My number 1 hater.
Bobby Nguyen:
Noel J. Calubaquib: My creative Michael Jordan. Thanks for challenging me and making me a better artist.
Max Songvilay: Thank you man. You are so talented, but so stubborn. You still have a lot to offer this world and I am still rooting for you.
Kit Ng: My original partner in crime. Thank you for our million and one adventures.
Shawn Walker:
Chris Ceccone:
Candice Wise: Thank you for everything
Harvey Ramos:
Hossien Hamed: Thank you for your wisdom. Your brash attitude, and your scolding nature. We both know that your a big teddy bear that can run through walls like the kool-aid man, but most importantly thank you for sharing the concept of love & respect and the compound effect. It opened my eyes a man and entrepreneur
Amy Stierasuta: Thank you for turning me into an asshole, just kidding. Roughing me up, making me jaded, and breaking me was probably one of the best things to ever happen to me. Romance in the real world wasn’t a walk in the park and I thank you for
Jimmy Budd: Thank you sir, for helping me integrate into Richmond the way you did, both as a friend and in business.
Bella Bishop: Thank you for constantly bothering me
Kym Laird: Thank you for being one of the most craziest people I know. I’m glad we understand each other like only crazy people do. You taught me about this whole gratitude thing unlike anyone else.
Jenai Kozar & Family: You’re such a hippie, Thank you for accidentally helping me create the image that in my opinion defines my photography work as an artist. . .
Baylee Abby & Andrea Shearer:
Nikky Dacosta: Thank you for introducing me to the Shearer’s, believing in my work as a photographer even when I really didn’t know what I was doing.
Steve Winston: My Gary Payton, You are the guy I hated to guard or be guarded on the court the most, but damn we were unbeatable. The Rocket & the Missile, How High, Redman & Method Man.. man we got into some shit. Thanks for everything.
Stephane Longchamp:
Jung Kim
Ryan Salas
Jay Chong
Thomas Barnett
Jeff Cruz: My first filipino friend in America
Manfred (taxi driver in Washington DC) I wish I could find you and tell you how much I miss your wisdom about life and entrepreneurship at 5am in the morning.
Ryan Azia Atelier
Ryan Azia is proud to be a part of a unique partnership with the indomitable 707 brand.
Ryan Azia Signature Collection
This collection is a handpicked collection by me, and what I would wish to wear. It has signature lining from designs that I created. Each piece has a story and lesson behind it. I hope it captures your drive the way it did me, and reminds you to continue to progress.
This collection are items that i wear. Lining designed by me, colors picked by me, buttons, cut all me.
Ryan Azia Curated Collection
This collection is a unique 6 piece collection that will rotate with the seasons. This collection epitomizes how I believe men should present themselves.
This collection are items that I want to see. Selected linings, colors, buttons, cut.
Contact me to set up a consultation at 707